Meal Share Camarillo

Camarillo Folks,
want to make a big difference
in our little town?
We have lots of hungry neighbors in our area, including houseless, near-houseless, elderly, disabled, jobless, underemployed, and simply lonely friends. And we decided the Church needed to do something about it.
Help us form more serving teams!

Meal Share Camarillo operates through church-based teams: one team commits to serving a pre-cooked meal one Thursday evening a month in Trinity Church's Piper Hall. Right now, Trinity Church currently partners with one other local church to provide dinner on the first and third Thursdays of the month - but we seek to double that, to EVERY Thursday of EVERY month!
- Many hands, light work: no single church or group is responsible for more than one dinner a month.
- Building community between churches: spending time serving together creates wonderful relationships within the Body of Christ in Camarillo.
Why multiple teams?

What roles does each team have to fill?
- Cooks
- Servers
- Clean-Up Crew
- Team Coordinator
Do other teams ever need to provide a facility?
Nope! Piper Hall at Trinity Church comes equipped with table seating for 100+, and a fully-equipped, professional-grade kitchen. And serving in the same place every week helps our neighbors find us easily and consistently!

Want to learn more, or ready to sign up?
Contact Betsy at for more information!